UGC Pay Panel: widespread discontent among readers | | | |
New Delhi, Oct 7, 2008: Though UGC Pay Panel recommendations have been welcomed, there is widespread discontent among readers for being placed in the same pay band as lecturers.
A large number of readers have been writing condemning the University grants Commissions’ move, many of the university teachers have called it unfortunate while others have used stronger language against the committee.
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Government gives its nod to UGC Pay Panel recommendations
Teachers welcome 70% pay hike by UGC’s Pay Review Committee
The UGC Pay review committee has proposed more than 70 percent increase in the salary of university and college teachers and other staff.Here are some views of teachers on the issue.
Dr R Ravichandran
Associate Professors, in college or in university should be placed in PB-4. How can you differentiate persons of same cadre in different places of education?. Who is superior?. Associte Prof. in a college or in university?. College is part of a university after all. UGC should remove this anomoly and both should be placed in PB-4 along with professors with differential Grade pay and academic pay. HRD should be told about this anomoly.
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Great injustice has been done by Chaddha Pay review committee to the Assistt Prof. and Assoc. Prof. particularly to Assoc. Prof/ Readers. Government has given PB-4 to the Pay Scales ending with pay of 18300. Unfortunately, pay review committee has recommended PB-3 for the Assoc. Prof. whose pay ends at 18300. Assoc Prof /Readers must have been placed in PB-4 with grade pay of 8700. It would have avoided the stagnation of teacher in the same pay band(PB-3) for 17 years. This anomaly must be addressed by the UGC and Ministry of HRD while finalizing the implementation of the report. Otherwise, a young talent joining the teaching service will lose incentive for better performance as only incentive for 17 years will be a meagre increase of Rs 600 and 800 in the grade pay for his first two promotions as Asstt Prof(Senior Scale) and Associate Professor. This could be easily avoided by placing the Assoc Prof/Reader in PB-4 with GP of 8700. Because the new incumbent will know that he will be promoted to nxt pay band with better performance. It will also reduce the frustration of Readers whose basic pay has reached to more than that of starting basic pay of Professors(16400). If this problem is not addressed the Reader's ( whose basic pay has reached to more than that of starting basic pay of Professors)basic pay along with GP will be Rs 20000 less than the total basic pay of a starting professor. By adding DA and HRA his salary will be less by about Rs 30000. What a great injustice! it would be with a teacher (above exampled Reader)who was drawing same pay as a professor as on today. It is humbly requested to those who are at the helm of the affairs to avoid such disparity which could easily be done by putting the Readers in PB-4 with GP of 8700. Teachers pursuing same duties with same qualifications should not be discriminated in such a way.
Dr A.K. Singh
Great injustice has been done by Chaddha Pay review committee to the Assistt Prof. and Assoc. Prof. particularly to Assoc. Prof/ Readers. Government has given PB-4 to the Pay Scales ending with pay of 18300. Unfortunately, pay review committee has recommended PB-3 for the Assoc. Prof. whose pay ends at 18300. Assoc Prof /Readers must have been placed in PB-4 with grade pay of 8700. It would have avoided the stagnation of teacher in the same pay band(PB-3) for 17 years. This anomaly must be addressed by the UGC and Ministry of HRD while finalizing the implementation of the report. Otherwise, a young talent joining the teaching service will lose incentive for better performance as only incentive for 17 years will be a meagre increase of Rs 600 and 800 in the grade pay for his first two promotions as Asstt Prof(Senior Scale) and Associate Professor. This could be easily avoided by placing the Assoc Prof/Reader in PB-4 with GP of 8700. Because the new incumbent will know that he will be promoted to nxt pay band with better performance. It will also reduce the frustration of Readers whose basic pay has reached to more than that of starting basic pay of Professors(16400). If this problem is not addressed the Reader's ( whose basic pay has reached to more than that of starting basic pay of Professors)basic pay along with GP will be Rs 20000 less than the total basic pay of a starting professor. By adding DA and HRA his salary will be less by about Rs 30000. What a great injustice! it would be with a teacher (above exampled Reader)who was drawing same pay as a professor as on today. It is humbly requested to those who are at the helm of the affairs to avoid such disparity which could easily be done by putting the Readers in PB-4 with GP of 8700. Teachers pursuing same duties with same qualifications should not be discriminated in such a way.
Dr A.K. Singh
A.P. Aided Degree College Lecturer’s Association [AP.ADCLA] response on UGC Pay Hike
Dr.N.V.Poornachandra Rao, Chairman, M.Yadagiri, General Secretary, A.P. Aided degree college lecturer’s association [AP.ADCLA] hailed the Central Government’s decision to implement UGC pay scales for university and college teachers.
Chairman has appreciated the grant of Pay Band-4 to all associate professors, promotion of all assistant professors to associate professors without pre-condition of Ph.D, both in colleges and universities and calculating the total service for promotion to the post of associate professors. And also welcome the step of creation of professor post in both under graduate and post graduate colleges.
The chairman and general secretary appreciated the grant of five and three increments for Ph.D/M.Phil degree holders and the grant of three and one increment for those pursuing these degrees during service. However, they condemned the denial of such benefits to existing Ph.D/ M.Phil incumbents.
They expressed unhappy about the Government decision to give only 80% assistance for 51 months, instead of 5 years, against the recommendation of Chadha Committee, to give 100 per cent grant to the states for first 5 years and 50% for next 5years, for uniform implementation of this pay package. This is likely to make State Governments to think twice before they embark upon revising pay scales for college/University teachers in the respective States.
In the 6th pay report, Lecturer (Selection Grade) or Reader shall continue to be so designated till they are selected for the post of Associate Professor. Chairman and general secretary said that in the existing grades, Reader and lecturer (Selection Grade) are not same. They are same in respect of salary but Reader is in the higher cader and SGL is in the lecturer cadre. Reader is one with Ph.D and got selected through a selection committee to the post of Reader where as Lecturer (Selection grade) is one without Ph.D and got selected through a selection committee to the post of Lecturer (Selection grade). This is an irreparable loss to the existing Readers.
They point out that,
While the revision of pay will take effect from 1.1.2006, the allowances (except DA) and advance increments etc. shall take effect from 1.9.2008. This will damage the spirit of teachers who have hard-earned their research degrees.
The Librarians/Directors of Physical Education personnel (who have also been recognized as teachers) shall continue to be 62 years even though teachers continue to 65 years.
They also demanded that allowances such as transport allowance, academic allowance, children education allowance etc. be notified and the states be asked to fill all vacant posts.
They termed the decision as a mixed bag containing both positive and negative features. They along with other office-bearers of AP.ADCLA urged the Andhra Pradesh government to implement UGC pay scales as soon as the notification is received.
A.P. Aided Degree College Lecturer’s Association [AP.ADCLA] response on UGC Pay Hike
Dr.N.V.Poornachandra Rao, Chairman, M.Yadagiri, General Secretary, A.P. Aided degree college lecturer’s association [AP.ADCLA] hailed the Central Government’s decision to implement UGC pay scales for university and college teachers.
Chairman has appreciated the grant of Pay Band-4 to all associate professors, promotion of all assistant professors to associate professors without pre-condition of Ph.D, both in colleges and universities and calculating the total service for promotion to the post of associate professors. And also welcome the step of creation of professor post in both under graduate and post graduate colleges.
They expressed unhappy about the Government decision to give only 80% assistance for 51 months, instead of 5 years, against the recommendation of Chadha Committee, to give 100 per cent grant to the states for first 5 years and 50% for next 5years, for uniform implementation of this pay package. This is likely to make State Governments to think twice before they embark upon revising pay scales for college/University teachers in the respective States.
In the 6th pay report, Lecturer (Selection Grade) or Reader shall continue to be so designated till they are selected for the post of Associate Professor. Chairman and general secretary said that in the existing grades, Reader and lecturer (Selection Grade) are not same. They are same in respect of salary but Reader is in the higher cader and SGL is in the lecturer cadre. Reader is one with Ph.D and got selected through a selection committee to the post of Reader where as Lecturer (Selection grade) is one without Ph.D and got selected through a selection committee to the post of Lecturer (Selection grade). This is an irreparable loss to the existing Readers.
They point out that,
While the revision of pay will take effect from 1.1.2006, the allowances (except DA) and advance increments etc. shall take effect from 1.9.2008. This will damage the spirit of teachers who have hard-earned their research degrees.
The Librarians/Directors of Physical Education personnel (who have also been recognized as teachers) shall continue to be 62 years even though teachers continue to 65 years.
They also demanded that allowances such as transport allowance, academic allowance, children education allowance etc. be notified.
They along with other office-bearers of AP.ADCLA urged the Andhra Pradesh government to implement UGC pay scales as soon as the notification is received.
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